Epic Armageddon
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Specialist Games Forum

EpiComp 2012


The Epic Annual Painting Competition - or EpiComp - was first run in 2003 and has taken place every year since then. Recently, it has broadened its scope to include 6mm science fiction and beyond in additional categories. It is, to my knowledge, the webs foremost painting competition for this scale, which is doubly impressive given that it is entirely based on, and supported by, the painting and gaming community. While a number of companies do kindly provide prizes for some categories (and even the supporting companies are regular contributors to the discussions on the forums and to the community directly), at its heart it is run by and supported by the community. Individuals donate prizes and the banner of organiser is passed across to volunteers each year. This makes the competition free to enter and participate in, keeps bias out of the competition, and means that the focus is on getting involved and seeing the finished product of the painting hours, more than a single-minded dedication to winning.

Competition Regulations and Galleries